...140 miles from Salvation Mountain so I don't get out there
nearly as often as I would like.
The purpose of this
website is to help Leonard spread his message
of God Is Love, to have a site that is current and up-to-date, and to have a
forum for communication. Additionally, it is to share the experience of the
mountain with you even though you might not be able to visit it in person.
Leonard appreciates receiving letters of encouragement and I
hope you will write him at his Niland address. I will tell you however, so that you
are not disappointed, he seldom writes anyone back even though he wishes
he could. You see, Leonard's
passion is the mountain and the only thing he lets distract him from it are his
visitors. He is constantly working on it. Please try to understand that if he
attempted to answer all of his mail, it would take time away from what he lives
for -- to work on the mountain. He
is "retired" and receives $249 a month social security but, this is
his full-time "job" and he works very hard at it. So, with that
understanding, please
contact me if you have any questions regarding anything about the mountain
or the surrounding facilities. If you want to plan a visit for yourself, for a
large group, to film a documentary, conduct a professional interview, etc., I
can and will coordinate it with Leonard and assist you with the details.
And finally, I would appreciate your comments about the
website. I have more to add, so save salvationmountain.us as a favorite and check
back often. Thanks, Bob. [Back]